EGG IDENTIFIER. Got "???" Monster egg? Identify it here.


NO MORE XP REWARD. At one stage, character like McGreggor or Tawny will stop giving you xp reward. Read it from Quest under McGreggor and Tawny.


GET MORE GAME CENTER FRIENDS. If you wish to share your Game Center ID, please write it on the comment box here. The link also available under the GAME TIPS menu.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Things You Should Know But You Don't (SUPPORT THE GAME)

Please share a few seconds to write AGREE or DISAGREE on the comment after you read this post:

Do you know if completing an egg request from your friend is rewarding? If you complete an egg request from friend, you will get some XP as your reward. The problem is, you won't notice that. You also won't know the amount of XP you will earn or have earned from completing friend's request. Also, do you know how many XP you have so far? Do you know how many XP you need to gain a level? These are the things that we are entitled to know but we don't because there is no clear indication about all of these.

So, do you agree if these are included on the next Monster Pet Shop update?
  • Have numerical indicator apart from the green bar indicator for level so we can track our progress.
  • Show how many XP we will get from completing friend's request on Friends Activity tab.
(another suggestion regarding XP from SheaberToothTiger)
  • Adoption history shows both purchase price and XP gained.
  • Amount of XP received when a monster level up and XP shoots behind it.
  • Much clearer information about XP gained when hatching a new unknown monster (if any).

After i receive enough responses, i will notify Beeline. Let's show them that we all love Monster Pet Shop so much. That's why we want the game to be better and better from time to time :)

Thank you all!


  1. Wooooow i didn't know that

    suuuuuure i am with u my friend :)

  2. Do the monsters that get ordered are the only ones you've hatched before? These customers seem to keep ordering the same thing and I have all these "mystery" "unknown" monstes that I didn't want to open because I don't wanna waste then and nobody's ordering them!

  3. Hi there! No. As you progress through your level you will find in several occasions that customers are requesting for monsters that you haven't hatched before. You can look from the QUEST tab on this blog to find out what kind of monsters they will ask you.

  4. I agree, that would really be helpful in knowing when we can level up:)

  5. Agree!!! :D
    I love Monster Pet Shop!!!!

  6. That would be nice, although I'm not sure necessary. I would appreciate if te adoption history showed both purchase price and XP gained. How much experience does one get when a monster levels up and XP shoots out behind it? Do you get any experience for selling a monster that wasn't requested or selling to the adoption agency? Do you gets XP for hatching a new unknown monster? I wish there was at least some sort of general description of this in the game's instructions!

  7. I've also been wishing for black and white foods available to purchase so that you can both change the color and lighten or darken a color.

    What I'd most like to have is the ability to convert coins into berries! I have 7000+ coins, and absolutely nothing to buy with them. There's only so many habitats, food, & shops!

    Does anyone know what the final monster type is? I have all the monsters Wayneology lists, plus one unknown. Also, I have several monster subtypes not listed in your monster guide. Let me know if you want pictures! :)

    I am a level 15 and also have some shop types not seen in the pictures here.

    I really wish there was a way to see what subtype eggs are in incubators without needing a friend to go visit and act like you will gift it then don't just do it gives a description.

    1. I completed the entire monsterpedia. I'm 18th level. I don't have friends to breed with. They are so busy that annoys me!

    2. My final monster type is Tumper, but I'm 18th level, and I've noticed the more you buy more they offer to you, so until now is Tumper, its egg costs $150,00 Berries. :) Would you plesae be kind enough to send me your pictures...

  8. Does anyone know how many levels there are?!?!
    At least for Beeline's Smurfs game the instructions state there are currently 39 levels.

    1. There are a total of 24 levels in the game, I haven't reached it yet but I have a friend that did. You will know by the level saying level Max in the top left corner of their monster pet shop. :)

    2. Thanks I had the very same doubt.

    3. I'm on level 25. i'm getting 3 monster berries each time i level up now...

  9. I've noticed that there are certain monster types that it seems certain people always buy. For instance, every time I have a Chuffle, Billy wants it. And every time I have a Slugabug, McGreggor buys it.

    One glitch I found (may have been fixed by last update?), is that at times a customer will stand in front of one habitat, but actually be talking about another. This gets problematic if there are two of the same monster type.

    Another glitch: Whenever I am incubating 2 different eggs and one is ready to hatch, I get a message saying "Your XX is ready to hatch," when actually it's my YY ready--whichever egg incubates the longest is what it says will hatch!

    I know some monsters prefer certain foods (seen by hearts appearing as they eat), but does feeding them preferred food I've any benefit or faster level up? And there are more foods than monsters, so do some have no preferred food?

    I am glad the last upgrade enabled toys when visiting previously adopted monsters!

  10. Hi SheaberToothTiger! Again, thank you for your valuable input. I can answer some questions you have raised. "Do you get any experience for selling a monster that wasn't requested or selling to the adoption agency?" The answer is most likely no. Both me and my wife (lvl 14 & 15) has been literally put our eyes on the XP bar whenever we choose to auto-adopt a monster or releasing a mature monster to a customer (non-quest). It wasn't moving at all. There was one situation when my wife XP bar was full but she haven't gain a level yet. Then she auto-adopt a monster. Sadly, she didn't gain a level.

    How many level are they? No idea. I saw someone with lvl 19 but Im sure its not the end of the level.

    Favourite food does make different although its not significant. I made one experiment to prove this (same monster hatched within few seconds gap - not the Steve one). One monster gain lvl SLIGHTLY faster than the other one.

    1. Favourite food make a huge difference it raises the price of selling. I don't know if they've already updated the game. It seems that they've already upgraded the version. See you.

  11. Oh, if wish to share pictures for this blog, please send it to i really love to post it! The last remaining monster is still unknown. Thank you so much beforehand ;)

  12. Really wish we could see the subtype of the monster inside our nests. Its quite a hassle always going to your friends to look for a specific type.

    Also, my MPS seems crashing a lot these days. Do any of you also experience this? I use ipad to play...

    1. I am facing that problem. However, I have more than 200 Berries, so I can't simply uninstall the game. I'm playing with my Android. lol

  13. totally agree with you

    im also still extremely fristrated that the game centre friends are not showing up for me

    this has been happening for awile from posts i read and they havent solved the problem

  14. hi i agree, but more than anything it is the game crashing that needs to be resolved. i also am not able to see neighbors, and in the extremely rare occassion that i do, it crashes when i try to give eggs or when i try to request. i have had to discard eggs several times because i can't give them to others. i've also have difficulty responding to egg requests because of the same problem. i have recently updated my os and the game so those shouldn't be the problem.

  15. HI,

    I have monster shop on my ipod and want to have the same on my is that possible? :(

  16. Another request should be if you sell a monster you should be able to get another same exact egg for money instead of berries

  17. Wilsuared Agrees!

    I also think that there should be a way to use up my coins to buy berries...its frustrating to have to level up just to get two berries...and its hard to see when i will level up as I seem to hang on the end of the bar and not go anywhere. Plus I have nothing really to spend my coins on.

    And also...pls let beeline know that there should be a way to disable the facebook login. If I dont want to login, it freezes on that screen waiting for me to log in and I have to turn off the game and restart it get rid of it. Right now my hubby and I play this game with separate emails but he has no fbk acct of his own and its annoying.

    And I dont know if anyone else found this but I set MPS on both my ipad (for kids), my iphone and my hubby's iphone...each with diff em addy. For some reason game centre sees the ipad acct and my iphone acct as the same one despite having diff monsters and diff levels going etc. When my hubby sent me and egg I expect it to go to my iphone but it ends up on my ipad (which doesnt need that particular egg being on a diff level). When I turn on the ipad it says welcome wilsquared and ditto on my iphone despite having been set up as separate emails. Has anyone encountered this? How do I seperate my email accts into two game centre id? Kindly let me know. Thanks so much. Love the blog!

    Great blog...thanks for all the tips!

  18. Hi there! Me and my wife are also playing the game on different device. We use different iTunes/Apple ID to keep the game separated. In addition, we also downloaded the game on different iTunes/Apple ID account. Maybe you could try this to separate the game. I hope that is helpful :)

  19. I definitely agree with this article!
    I'm a numbers person, so I like knowing how much exp I need to advance.
    Otherwise, though, I REALLY enjoy this game! I hope the company listens to your suggestions. :]

  20. cmb_25 (Game Center Nickname) : Agrees with the suggested improvements to. an already awesomely addictive game!

    P.S. Especially love the post suggesting the ability to convert coin into monster berries but I can see why this might be a problem for Beeline. When we spend our REAL hard earned DOLLARS to purchase monster berries Beeline is then paid REAL dollars for our purchases.....and believe me its hard to find a REAL bank thats willing (or cool enough lol) to accept MPS coins as a form of deposit ;-)

  21. What are the xp points used for?

  22. I agree! When I try to buy Mb it says I have to buy the app first. I bought mb about a month ago, why not now? Any suggestions?

  23. Xp is how you level up.

  24. I think the game can be even better if breeding of sub-type families could be easier. I had tried breeding >10 curly tuckles (sometimes with breeding center, sometimes I have 2 curly tuckles in my shop for breeding) and could not get anything else except for a horde of curly tuckles. In other games (like Dragonvale), breeding is more fun because you can roughly gauge what would be the outcome, depending on factors like your current level, your monster level, genetics etc. For monster pet shop, it is mainly based on luck and the friends you have in your game center. In the end I gave up trying to get a new type of tuckle, and waited till I can finally request from my friend.

    I had more than 3 friends requesting an egg of my pronged chuffle, but sadly because of the breeding results, I could only offer stripey chuffles (had to breed with breeding center, chuffle eggs are expensive). I really don't mind sharing the eggs but because breeding center always offer only one sub-type for you to breed with, so if your luck is down, you would probably get the child to be the same as the one from the breeding center. Sometimes if I'm lucky I could get an unknown egg from the egg shop but it is really very dependable on luck, I believe most of us would see the same old eggs every time.

    And I really hope that they could offer more monster berries. They are so expensive, imagine one unknown monster egg can cost 30 monster berries. Upgrading your hatchery would cost 25(?) berries. The lowest tier of monster berries on sale would be the $4.99 one, which is obviously not enough for us players who play this everyday.

    I believe monster pet shop has attracted many young players (probably kids who love interacting with the monsters like the rest of us do) and it is just not very healthy for them to spend their parents money on expensive game tokens. I have a 3 year old nephew who loves this game but has 'accidentally' spent all his gold and now he can't do anything except pet his skinny krakel everyday because his parents would not allow him to use real cash to pay for monster berries in exchange for coins.

    Just my 2 cents, I hope Beeline would really hear us out.

    - Veronica (Game Center ID: rongrong84)

  25. If you visit your monster and go to the Info icon the upper left in their habitat, the "visit clock" will reduce when you see the time in the MPS for that monster. I don't know if the activities are compensated as well; like the amount of dirt on the screen or the amount of food you can feed them.

  26. Help! I can't buy monster berries anymore! Says I must purchase app first, what do I do?

  27. I agree

    We should also be able to buy any eggs that we have found at anytime
    I shouldn't have to wait 24 hrs to maybe get a new egg type

    SARAHJSTOLL<add me

  28. Help!!!! My neighbors ave disappeared on iPad and iPod :( ladymojoe

  29. Agreed and also the Facebook 'login-or-freeze' issue as someone else mentioned. I can't invite friends just because I don't have a Facebook account? Sorry, I didn't realize that was a punishable offense!

  30. I agree with you! Monster pet shop is real fun! But the iPhone version is much better than the iPad version as the latter keeps crashing! Love your blog and thank you so much for the information!

  31. Fantastic idea! I'm with you on this one.

  32. Agree!!! When can we enjoy the next update? I'm already at level 20, and haven 't discovered yet only one Monster, Nubbed Pogonip. It would be very nice, if new monsters would be added and more levels...

  33. Does anybody have Nubbed Pogonip, I need one very much, my Game Center ID is "ioedo"

  34. I am trying to visit my friend's shop but it keeps telling me I can't, because it's purple someone please help ?????????

  35. I agree with you!

  36. four days are not my friends' stores on the map. what happen?

  37. Agree about knowing more about XP values, and tracking it better.

  38. Beeline technical support has never got back to me. I'm level 16 now and use iPhone 3gs. The game currently crashes when I have been on friends map then return to my shop, as though the process of loading my current friend requests somehow suffers from a conflict. I have latest update and have switched phone off and on... Someone help :( please mail me at

  39. AGREE!!!!!! I get so frustrated Oh My God!please do this +I want to be able to get more berries and...(sorry I talk a lot) I really really REALLY want more um cross breeding differences cuz I had 7 fuzzles and breeded them all , i got a hole clump of horned fuzzles! FYI I had 7 horned fuzzles originally I had to give them to my friends and still had too many! So PAH-LEEZE do this btw I need more friends for my expiriments so if interested write in the box this-
    Ice Cream. haha!��

  40. AGREE!!!!!!!!!

    I have some things to add too :) well I really want to be able to do more cross breeding cuz once I had like 7 horned fuzzles and breeded them all and ended up with a giant clump of horn fuzzles GOD I really needed a fuzzle that was NOT horned so please help on this

    Also I want to have more monster berries I have 4 now and I need a poligol a wump and pogonip all requiring berries yeah I know people spend $ on berries but if it's easier to get berries more people will play and then they'd get more money and the players will be happier! :)


  41. Agree. You should also mention that we should have the option to dismiss a request from a customer if we can't fulfill it. I don't want to be spending real money on berries to change a monsters colors just because the customer won't buy it.

  42. can you ask them what do people do if their pet shop friends wont load?

  43. Has anyone noticed a sale cart appear in the top right corner when you are transferring a newly hatched monster to a habitat? That is the only time it appears, and then only briefly. I have tried to click on it but nothing happens. Also, on my husbands game, he gets monster berries when fulfilling a customer request, I do not. Why is that? I have been playing much longer and am 10 levels ahead of him.

    1. I haven't noticed the shopping cart or the berry problem. Add me! Gamer ID: ThatAznAlex

      -___- I wish I could change it

  44. I have a kindle fire and EVERY single update I've had has caused my game to crash!!! I'm very pissed off and frustrated about it. Currently my game keeps crashing. This game is SO not worth it!! It really SUCKS!!! I actually spent money to buy berries. Beeline failed to put in their description that the game constantly crashes with the kindle fire. That's false advertising!!! I want my money back!! As soon as these berries are used up I'm deleting this game. It's more trouble than it's worth. Had I known my game would constantly crash I would not have downloaded it. I can't wait to get rid of it!!! Now I have to wait another two or three months for the next update just to have this happen all over again!!! This game is really a piece of crap!!! I'm sticking with bakery story. It's much mord User friendly. I haven't had a problem withit at all.

  45. I'm hoping someone can answer my question. I want to play Monster Pet Shop but I have not been able to get past Squonk. Over the last two weeks (going in everyday) when I go on Monster Pet all I get is "Uncle Oscar" saying the same thing about inheriting his store and telling me he will walk me through the basics and he tells me to visit squonk. He then tells me to buy him food which I do and then the finger automatically feeds him and this goes on forever. The only thing I am able to do is pet him and he shows some hearts. The XP bar has not changed and I only get one screen which shows squonk! I can't find anything in options and don't know what to do - obviously something is wrong?

  46. Jo Cooke, the finger is not automatically feeding him, it's showing you how to feed him. Just do what the fingr is doing a couple times and you are good to go.


  47. help i ran out of money how do i get more coins ? Its been almost 24hrs and i dont know what to do. I think my monsters are gonna die !

  48. Hello :) I would like to know why the game is not updating any more??? :( :(

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. RIP monster pet shop 😭💔
